Research Proposal Topics for 2024: 200 Fresh Ideas
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Research Proposal Topics

Research Proposal Topics for 2024: 200 Fresh Ideas

A research proposal is a concise plan outlining the research project's objectives, methods, and significance. It explains the research problem, reviews relevant literature, and details the methodology to be used, helping secure approval or funding for the project.

In this article, we’ve compiled a range of research proposal topics to help you get started and make the research process a bit less painful.

And if, after reading, you’re still feeling stuck, don’t worry. EssayService is here to help with any assignment or research needs, giving you the support you need to craft the perfect proposal.

Best Research Proposal Topics for 2024

You need something that’s relevant, interesting, and manageable enough to not overwhelm you halfway through. Luckily, 2024 offers a range of hot topics across tech, business management, the environment, and mental health that will keep your research both meaningful and engaging.

Here are five detailed research proposal topic ideas for 2024:

  1. AI Ethics in Healthcare: Balancing Innovation and Patient Privacy
    With AI diagnosing and treating patients, privacy is a big concern. How do we balance innovation with protecting patient data? Your research can dig into real-world examples and suggest ways to keep things ethical.
  2. Renewable Energy's Role in the Global Economy
    As we move toward green energy, what happens to economies that rely on oil and gas? This topic lets you explore how renewable energy reshapes jobs and industries—maybe even focus on a specific region to keep it manageable.
  3. Mental Health in the Digital Age: Social Media’s Impact
    Everyone's glued to their screens, but what's that doing to our mental health? Explore how social media affects anxiety, depression, and self-esteem. Surveys or interviews across different age groups could reveal a lot.
  4. The Future of Remote Work Post-COVID-19
    Remote work is here to stay. How will it impact productivity, work-life balance, and organizational culture long term? You could focus on how companies are adapting—or not.
  5. The Evolution of Cryptocurrency Regulations Worldwide
    Crypto used to be the Wild West, but governments are catching up. Look into how different countries are regulating it and what that means for the future of digital currencies.

Extra Topics:

  • The Role of Microplastics in Oceanic Ecosystems
  • Sustainable Agriculture: Can Vertical Farming Feed Growing Populations?
  • Data Privacy and Cybersecurity in the Age of 5G
  • Gender Inequality in STEM Fields: Progress and Setbacks
  • Exploring the Rise of Online Learning: Benefits and Challenges

Information Technology Topics for Research Proposal

  1. AI-Powered Cybersecurity: Enhancing Threat Detection
    With cyberattacks growing more sophisticated, traditional security can’t keep up. Research how AI predicts and stops threats, using real-world examples, or explore gaps where AI can improve.
  2. Blockchain Beyond Cryptocurrency: Transforming Supply Chains
    Blockchain is revolutionizing supply chains, increasing transparency and reducing fraud. Study successful implementations and challenges like scalability.
  3. Data Privacy in the Age of Big Data
    We generate massive data daily, but is it secure? Research how companies handle sensitive information, current regulations, and areas needing improvement.
  4. Cloud Computing and Business Scalability
    Cloud computing allows businesses to scale without physical infrastructure. Explore how different industries benefit, potential risks, and future trends.
  5. 5G’s Role in Smart Cities
    5G powers smart cities. Study its impact on urban planning, transportation, and data management, with a focus on privacy concerns.

Extra Research Questions:

  • Internet of Things (IoT) Security Challenges
  • Quantum Computing: Future Impacts on IT Infrastructure
  • Virtual Reality in Workplace Training and Development
  • Edge Computing vs. Cloud Computing: Pros and Cons
  • Ethical AI: Addressing Bias in Machine Learning Algorithms

Computer Science Research Proposal Topics

  1. NLP in Human-Computer Interaction
    NLP is transforming interactions with machines, from chatbots to voice assistants. Focus on improving accuracy or address ethical concerns like language bias.
  2. Quantum Cryptography: Securing Data
    Quantum computing threatens traditional encryption. Explore how quantum cryptography protects data and examine recent advancements.
  3. Autonomous Systems and Machine Learning in Robotics
    Robots are learning to act without human input. Study how machine learning helps robots make real-time decisions and the challenges of full autonomy.
  4. Algorithmic Bias in AI
    As AI use increases, so does algorithmic bias. Research methods to detect and reduce bias in systems used for hiring, policing, and finance.
  5. Distributed Ledger Technology in Decentralized Applications
    DLTs like blockchain power decentralized apps (dApps). Study how DLTs improve security and transparency, with examples beyond cryptocurrency.

Extra Topics:

  • Deep Learning Optimization Techniques for Image Recognition
  • Adaptive Software Systems: Self-healing Applications
  • Swarm Intelligence in Multi-Agent Systems
  • Graph Theory Applications in Social Network Analysis
  • Developing Efficient Algorithms for Big Data Analytics

Business Research Proposal Ideas

  1. ESG’s Impact on Investor Decisions
    ESG is gaining traction among investors. Study how companies with strong ESG ratings outperform others, focusing on sectors like tech or energy.
  2. The Future of E-Commerce Post-COVID-19
    E-commerce boomed during COVID-19. Explore changes in consumer behavior, supply chain challenges, or the rise of direct-to-consumer brands, focusing on a specific niche like fashion.
  3. AI in Marketing: Personalization vs. Privacy
    AI personalizes ads, but at what privacy cost? Research how companies like Amazon balance targeted marketing and user data privacy.
  4. CSR and Brand Loyalty
    Does CSR truly build loyalty, or is it just good marketing? Explore whether CSR initiatives translate to genuine customer connection through surveys or case studies.
  5. The Gig Economy’s Impact on Business Models
    Freelancers and platforms like Uber are disrupting traditional work. Study how gig platforms reshape business models, focusing on a specific industry.

Extra Topics:

  • The Role of Digital Marketing in Small Business Growth
  • Employee Engagement Strategies in Remote Work Environments
  • Analyzing Consumer Trust in FinTech
  • Leadership Styles and Their Impact on Team Productivity
  • The Effect of Globalization on Local Markets

Economics Research Proposal Topics

  1. The Impact of Global Trade Wars on Emerging Markets
    Trade wars can severely affect emerging economies. Examine how tariffs and sanctions affect developing countries, focusing on sectors like agriculture or manufacturing.
  2. Cryptocurrency and Its Role in Inflation Control
    Cryptocurrencies are often seen as a hedge against inflation. Investigate how countries with high inflation rates, like Argentina, use crypto and whether it’s effective.
  3. Income Inequality and Economic Growth: A Global Perspective
    Is income inequality stifling global growth? Study countries with high inequality to see if wealth gaps are hurting economic development, using real-world data to compare.
  4. The Gig Economy's Effect on Wage Stagnation
    Freelancing is booming, but are wages keeping up? Research how the gig economy impacts wage stagnation, focusing on industries like ridesharing or delivery.
  5. The Economics of Climate Change: Financial Costs of Inaction
    Climate change is expensive. Explore how inaction on climate policy could impact economies, focusing on industries like insurance or agriculture.

Extra Topics:

  • The Role of Microfinance in Poverty Reduction
  • Economic Impacts of the Global Aging Population
  • How Government Subsidies Affect Market Competition
  • Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) and Its Impact on Local Economies
  • The Relationship Between Interest Rates and Housing Prices

International Relations Research Proposal Topics

  1. How Migration Shapes National Security Policies
    Migration isn't just about movement; it's forcing countries to rethink border security. Learn how nations adjust policies as migration trends shift.
  2. The Rise of Regional Superpowers
    Traditional superpowers aren’t the only players anymore. Look at how countries like India or Brazil are stepping up in trade, military, and diplomacy.
  3. Cyber Diplomacy in Digital Warfare
    Countries are hacking each other, but how do they negotiate in this new space? Explore how nations handle cyber threats while keeping diplomacy alive.
  4. Sanctions as Diplomatic Tools
    Sanctions can bring economies to their knees, but do they work politically? Research cases like Iran to see if sanctions achieve their goals.
  5. Climate Change and Resource Conflicts
    Climate change is making resources scarce, sparking competition. Study how nations might clash over water, minerals, or farmland in the future.

Extra Topics:

  • How global pandemics reshape international alliances
  • Diplomatic strategies in handling refugee crises
  • The rise of populism in global politics
  • Media’s influence on international diplomacy
  • Foreign aid policies in post-conflict reconstruction

Management Research Proposal Topic Ideas

  1. How Remote Work Is Reshaping Team Dynamics
    With remote work here to stay, teams are changing how they communicate and collaborate. Explore how managers are keeping teams connected and productive when everyone’s scattered across time zones.
  2. Sustainability Practices in Modern Business Operations
    Going green isn’t just a trend—it’s becoming essential for businesses. Look into how companies are integrating sustainability into their day-to-day operations and whether it's driving real change or just PR.
  3. Leadership in Crisis: Navigating Uncertainty
    Leaders show their true colors in tough times. Study how different leadership styles come through when businesses face crises, like economic downturns or sudden industry shifts.
  4. The Push for Diversity in Corporate Culture
    Companies are talking a lot about diversity, but how are they actually making it happen? Research how businesses are rethinking hiring, promotions, and workplace policies to build more inclusive environments.
  5. Data-Driven Decision Making in Management
    Big data is everywhere, but how do managers use it to make smarter decisions? Explore how data analytics is transforming the way leaders handle everything from budgeting to employee performance.

Extra Topics:

  • Employee motivation strategies in high-pressure environments
  • Conflict resolution techniques in the workplace
  • The rise of agile management in project development
  • Managing employee burnout in fast-paced industries
  • The role of mentorship in career development
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MBA Research Proposal Topics

  • How Startups Are Disrupting Traditional Industries
    Startups are shaking up everything from finance to retail. Research how these small, agile companies are challenging established giants and forcing them to rethink their strategies.
  • Sustainability in Business: A Competitive Advantage?
    Going green can set companies apart in today’s market. Explore how businesses are leveraging sustainability to attract customers and stay ahead of the competition.
  • Digital Transformation in Large Corporations
    Big companies are racing to adopt new tech, but it’s not always smooth sailing. Look into how they’re handling digital transformation and the challenges they face, from legacy systems to employee resistance.
  • Customer Loyalty in the Age of E-commerce
    With so many online shopping options, how do businesses keep customers coming back? Explore strategies like loyalty programs, personalized marketing, and fast shipping to see what works.
  • The Shift to Remote Leadership
    Managing teams remotely is a whole new ball game. Research how leaders are adapting to virtual management, keeping teams motivated, and maintaining productivity without in-person contact.

Extra Topics:

  1. Growth strategies for small businesses
  2. Financial management during economic downturns
  3. Innovation in product development cycles
  4. Ethical challenges in multinational corporations
  5. Marketing strategies for luxury brands in emerging markets

Environmental Research Proposal Topic Ideas

  1. How Urbanization Is Changing Local Ecosystems
    As cities expand, local wildlife and plant life are facing big changes. Research how rapid urban growth is reshaping natural habitats and what’s being done to preserve biodiversity.
  2. Sustainable Tourism: Balancing Growth and Conservation
    Tourism can bring money to local economies, but it can also harm the environment. Study how popular destinations are managing tourism while trying to protect their natural landscapes.
  3. Plastic Waste Reduction Strategies in Coastal Cities
    Coastal areas face a huge challenge with plastic pollution. Explore what cities are doing to tackle plastic waste, from banning single-use plastics to launching cleanup initiatives.
  4. Renewable Energy Adoption in Developing Countries
    Developing nations are shifting towards renewable energy, but it’s not always easy. Look into the challenges and successes of solar, wind, or hydropower projects in countries with limited resources.
  5. Water Scarcity and Agricultural Practices
    With water becoming scarcer, farmers are under pressure to adapt. Research how agriculture is changing in drought-prone areas, focusing on techniques like drip irrigation or drought-resistant crops.

Extra Topics:

  1. Forest conservation efforts in the Amazon
  2. The rise of electric vehicles in urban transportation
  3. Ocean cleanup technologies and their potential
  4. The benefits of green building designs
  5. Urban gardening as a solution for food security

Biology Research Proposal Topics

  1. Animal Migration Shifts Due to Climate Change
    As the climate changes, animals are moving to new habitats. Research how species like birds or marine life are adjusting their migration routes.
  2. CRISPR for Genetic Disease Prevention
    CRISPR is transforming gene editing. Study how it’s being used to prevent genetic disorders like cystic fibrosis, and dig into the ethical debates surrounding it.
  3. Gut Microbiota and Mental Health
    Your gut health could be tied to your mental health. Explore how gut bacteria are linked to conditions like anxiety and depression, and what this means for future treatments.
  4. Biodiversity Loss in Rainforests from Deforestation
    Deforestation is wiping out rainforest species. Look into the species being lost and what can be done to protect what's left.
  5. Antibiotic Resistance in Bacteria
    Bacteria are getting stronger, making infections harder to treat. Study how antibiotic resistance is spreading and what new treatments could stop it.

Ordinary Topics:

  • Coral reef bleaching and marine ecosystem health
  • Advances in stem cell research for organ regeneration
  • Pollinator declines and food security
  • The genetics of aging in humans
  • How invasive species disrupt local ecosystems

Medical Research Proposal Topics

  1. Telemedicine in Post-Pandemic Healthcare
    Telemedicine became a lifeline during the pandemic, but where is it headed now? Research how virtual care is shaping doctor-patient interactions and how it could improve healthcare access long-term.
  2. The Rise of Personalized Medicine
    Treatments aren’t one-size-fits-all anymore. Learn how genetic profiling is allowing doctors to tailor treatments specifically for individual patients, especially in fields like oncology.
  3. Mental Health Crisis Among Healthcare Workers
    Healthcare workers have been through a lot lately. Explore how burnout and mental health issues are rising in the profession and what can be done to support these essential workers.
  4. Gene Therapy for Chronic Diseases
    Gene therapy is pushing boundaries in treating chronic diseases like muscular dystrophy. Study how these treatments are evolving and what challenges remain in bringing them to wider use.
  5. The Future of Vaccine Development
    Vaccines are evolving fast. Research how new technologies, like mRNA vaccines, are reshaping the way we prevent diseases, and what this means for future outbreaks.

Extra Topics:

  • Antibiotic overuse and its consequences
  • Innovations in non-invasive surgery
  • Managing chronic pain without opioids
  • Nutritional deficiencies in aging populations
  • The rise of wearable health tech

Chemistry Research Proposal Topics

  1. New Materials for Renewable Energy Storage
    The world needs better ways to store renewable energy. Dive into how innovative materials are being developed for batteries that can hold more power and last longer.
  2. Green Chemistry in Reducing Plastic Waste
    Plastic waste is everywhere. Research how green chemistry is creating biodegradable alternatives that could help tackle our plastic pollution problem.
  3. Drug Design and Nanotechnology
    Nanotechnology is changing drug design. Explore how nanoparticles are being used to deliver medications more precisely, improving treatments for diseases like cancer.
  4. Chemical Recycling of Waste Materials
    Recycling isn’t just about sorting paper and plastic. Look into how chemical processes are breaking down waste materials into reusable raw components.
  5. Water Purification Techniques Using Advanced Catalysts
    Access to clean water is a global challenge. Study how advanced catalysts are being used to develop more efficient water purification methods.

Extra Topics:

  • Innovations in organic solar cells
  • Sustainable agriculture through soil chemistry
  • Advances in polymer chemistry
  • CO2 capture techniques in environmental chemistry
  • The chemistry behind new antiviral drugs

History Research Proposal Topics

  1. How the Silk Road Shaped Cultural Exchanges
    The Silk Road wasn’t just about trading goods. Explore how it connected civilizations, spreading ideas, art, and religion between the East and West.
  2. Women's Roles in WWII Beyond the Frontlines
    Women didn’t just serve in factories or as nurses during WWII. Research their critical roles in espionage, codebreaking, and resistance movements across different countries.
  3. The Fall of Empires: Lessons from the Roman and Ottoman Declines
    Great empires don’t last forever. Learn the reasons behind the fall of the Roman and Ottoman Empires, comparing their economic, military, and political struggles.
  4. The Rise of Nationalism in 19th-Century Europe
    Nationalism transformed Europe in the 1800s. Study how this growing sense of national identity fueled revolutions, redraw borders, and created modern nations.
  5. The Impact of the Printing Press on the Protestant Reformation
    The printing press didn’t just make books—it changed history. Examine how it helped spread Martin Luther’s ideas and accelerated the Protestant Reformation.

Extra Topics:

  • The cultural significance of the Harlem Renaissance
  • Colonialism’s long-term effects on African economies
  • The Cold War’s influence on space exploration
  • The causes of the American Civil War
  • The Industrial Revolution’s transformation of labor systems

Philosophy Research Proposal Topics

  1. Ethics in Artificial Intelligence
    AI is developing fast, but how do we ensure it behaves ethically? Explore questions around creating moral machines, the responsibility of AI developers, and the potential risks of AI decision-making.
  2. Free Will vs. Determinism in Modern Neuroscience
    Neuroscience challenges traditional ideas about free will. Dive into how brain studies are shaping the debate between free will and determinism, and what this means for personal responsibility.
  3. The Philosophy of Happiness: Ancient vs. Modern Perspectives
    What does it mean to live a good life? Compare how ancient philosophers like Aristotle and modern thinkers view happiness, well-being, and fulfillment in life.
  4. Existentialism and the Meaning of Life in a Secular World
    With fewer people turning to religion for answers, existentialist ideas about finding meaning in a meaningless universe are more relevant than ever. Explore how thinkers like Sartre and Camus approached life’s big questions.
  5. Moral Relativism in a Globalized World
    In today’s interconnected world, cultures with different moral codes are constantly interacting. Research how moral relativism plays out in international politics, human rights, and cross-cultural ethics.

Extra Topics:

  • The role of ethics in environmental philosophy
  • Stoicism’s relevance in modern self-help culture
  • Political philosophy in democratic theory
  • The evolution of metaphysical thought through history
  • Kant’s categorical imperative in contemporary moral debates

Sociology Research Proposal Topics

  1. Social Media and Its Connection to Modern Relationships
    Social media has transformed how we connect, date, and even break up. Explore how platforms like Instagram and Facebook are shaping modern relationships and whether these connections are truly authentic.
  2. The Changing Face of Gender Roles in the Workplace
    Workplace dynamics are shifting, and gender roles are evolving. Research how traditional gender expectations are being challenged in various industries, and how this impacts career growth and job satisfaction.
  3. Gentrification and Community Displacement
    As urban neighborhoods develop, long-time residents are often pushed out. Study how gentrification changes communities, focusing on the tensions between economic development and displacement of residents.
  4. The Mental Health Crisis Among College Students
    Stress, anxiety, and depression are becoming more common among college students. Look into the pressures students face today and how universities are addressing mental health in a world of rising expectations.
  5. Immigration and Cultural Identity in Multicultural Societies
    In multicultural societies, immigration shapes cultural identity in complex ways. Examine how individuals balance maintaining their cultural heritage with adapting to their new environment.

Extra Research Topic Ideas:

  • Social class and educational opportunities
  • The rise of digital activism
  • Family structures in modern society
  • Religion’s place in secular societies
  • The sociology of aging and elderly care systems

Psychology Research Proposal Topics

  1. How Social Media Shapes Self-Esteem
    Scrolling through Instagram can make anyone feel a little inadequate. Explore how constant exposure to filtered lives on social media changes how people see themselves and their self-worth.
  2. The Connection Between Sleep and Mental Health
    We all know sleep matters, but just how much does it tie into mental health? Study the relationship between poor sleep and conditions like anxiety or depression, and whether better sleep can improve overall well-being.
  3. Childhood Trauma and Adult Relationships
    Early experiences stick with us. Look at how childhood trauma can influence the way people form relationships as adults, focusing on attachment styles and trust issues.
  4. The Psychology Behind Procrastination
    Why do we put things off, even when we know we shouldn’t? Research the mental processes behind procrastination and what strategies might actually help people stop delaying important tasks.
  5. The Rise of Mental Health Awareness in Younger Generations
    More young people are talking about mental health than ever before. Study why Gen Z is more open about mental health struggles and how this shift is changing the way society views therapy and self-care.

Extra Topics:

  • The connection between personality traits and job satisfaction
  • Effects of mindfulness on stress reduction
  • Memory retention and the impact of sleep deprivation
  • Influence of birth order on personality development
  • How music therapy aids emotional regulation

Education Research Proposal Topics

  1. The Shift to Online Learning and Student Engagement
    Since schools moved online, keeping students engaged has become a challenge. Explore how different teaching methods work in virtual classrooms and what keeps students interested when they’re learning from a screen.
  2. The Benefits of Bilingual Education in Early Childhood
    Learning a second language early can change how kids think. Research how bilingual education helps with cognitive development and whether it gives children an edge in problem-solving and creativity.
  3. How Standardized Testing Shapes Student Motivation
    Tests are everywhere in education, but do they motivate students or stress them out? Study how standardized testing changes students' drive to learn, and whether it pushes them to achieve or makes them dread school.
  4. Teacher Burnout in the Modern Classroom
    Teaching has become more demanding, and burnout is real. Look into the reasons why so many teachers are feeling overwhelmed and what schools can do to help keep educators passionate and healthy.
  5. The Rise of Inclusive Education for Students with Disabilities
    More schools are focusing on inclusion for students with disabilities. Research how classrooms are adapting to accommodate different learning needs and whether inclusive practices improve the overall learning environment.

Extra Topics:

  1. The benefits of project-based learning
  2. Homework's impact on student well-being
  3. Technology’s place in modern classrooms
  4. The connection between class size and student performance
  5. How parental involvement shapes academic success
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Qualitative Research Proposal Topics

  1. The Experiences of Remote Workers Balancing Family Life and Productivity During the COVID-19 Pandemic
  2. Perceptions of Gender Inequality Among Female Tech Professionals in Male-Dominated Industries
  3. How Social Media Influences Self-Perception and Body Image Among Teenagers: A Study of Instagram and TikTok Use
  4. Challenges Faced by First-Generation College Students in Navigating Academic Expectations and Family Responsibilities
  5. The Emotional and Social Adjustments of Immigrants Assimilating to a New Culture While Retaining Their Heritage
  6. Parental Perspectives on Homeschooling During the Pandemic and Its Long-Term Implications on Child Development
  7. Sustainability Choices: Why Some Consumers Adopt Eco-Friendly Habits While Others Struggle to Change
  8. Perceptions of Mental Health Stigma Among Rural Populations Seeking Therapy and Support Services
  9. The Emotional Benefits of Listening to Music: How People Use Music to Cope with Stress and Anxiety
  10. Perspectives on Digital Learning Tools: How Teachers Adapted to Remote Teaching and the Challenges They Faced

Quantitative Research Proposal Ideas

  1. Examining the Relationship Between Sleep Patterns and Academic Performance in College Students
  2. Statistical Analysis of Social Media Usage and Its Connection to Anxiety and Depression in Teenagers
  3. A Study of Employee Productivity Before and After the Implementation of Remote Work Policies
  4. Analyzing the Effects of Physical Exercise on Stress Levels Among Working Adults Using Survey Data
  5. Measuring the Impact of Financial Literacy Programs on Personal Savings Rates Among Low-Income Households
  6. Correlation Between Screen Time and Attention Span in School-Aged Children
  7. A Comparative Study of Test Scores in Schools Using Traditional vs. Project-Based Learning Approaches
  8. Surveying Public Attitudes Toward Electric Vehicles and How They Relate to Purchase Decisions
  9. The Relationship Between Dietary Habits and the Prevalence of Type 2 Diabetes in Adults
  10. Analysis of Gender Pay Gap Trends in Different Sectors Over the Last Decade

Good Research Proposal Topics for Students

  1. The Relationship Between Social Media Usage and Academic Performance Among High School Students
  2. Exploring the Connection Between Physical Exercise and Mental Health in College Students
  3. The Effects of Climate Change Education on Student Attitudes Toward Environmental Conservation
  4. A Study of Time Management Techniques and Their Outcomes on Academic Success in University Students
  5. How Access to Technology Impacts Learning Outcomes in Low-Income Schools
  6. The Link Between Sleep Deprivation and Cognitive Function in High-Performing Students
  7. Examining Gender Stereotypes in STEM Education and Career Choices Among Students
  8. The Influence of Extracurricular Activities on Student Social Skills and Academic Achievement
  9. The Impact of Remote Learning on Student Motivation During the COVID-19 Pandemic
  10. The Role of Financial Literacy in Shaping Career Choices Among Business Students

Interesting Research Proposal Topics for Students

  1. How Social Media Algorithms Shape Political Opinions Among Young Adults
  2. The Effectiveness of Mindfulness Practices in Reducing Stress Levels in College Students
  3. The Rise of E-Sports: Can Competitive Gaming Be a Viable Career Path for Students?
  4. Exploring the Psychological Effects of Cancel Culture on Social Media Users
  5. The Environmental Benefits of Urban Farming in College Campuses
  6. A Study of Virtual Reality’s Potential in Enhancing Educational Engagement
  7. The Connection Between Music Preferences and Academic Performance in High School Students
  8. How Video Games Influence Problem-Solving Skills in Adolescents
  9. The Influence of Celebrity Endorsements on Sustainable Fashion Choices Among Students
  10. Exploring the Impact of Pet Ownership on Student Well-Being and Academic Success

To Wrap Up

Finding the perfect research proposal ideas can feel like a lot, right? Popular topics like AI ethics, mental health in the digital world, renewable energy, and gender inequality in STEM are great places to start — they’re relevant and interesting. 

But let’s be real: sometimes, even with all these options, it’s hard to get the ball rolling. If you're still unsure about your research topic or need help with your proposal, EssayService has your back. Whether you need guidance or full-on support, they’ve got you covered.

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