How to Write an Internship Resume?
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How to Write an Internship Resume?

When applying for an internship, students should compile a convincing resume. But it might be tricky to compose it. Young specialists normally lack experience, recommendations, and significant professional achievements. Still, they can emphasize their skills and other advantages. This would enable them to differentiate themselves from the rest. The readers of this article, prepared by professionals from our custom essay writing service, will get to know what to put on a resume for an internship and how to structure the paper. They will discover a template that is easy to edit or modify. After reading this text, they can try to consider an organization of any scale and sphere of activity.

What is an Internship Resume?

A student internship resume helps the manager understand who the candidate is and which tasks they can accomplish. The goal of the candidate is to create a positive portrait of themselves, based on their real background and competencies. If you need help writing the resume internship, outsource this task to a paper writing service and let a professional prepare the documents for you.

Newbies often feel uncertain about how to make resume for internship. Which facts should they include in the document? Which information is it better to omit? When compiling a resume, one does not need to be creative. Instead, they should stick to a rational structure. 

The employer has 1 minute to glance through the paper. Candidates should organize the information so that their future boss does not need to reread it.

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Internship Resume Writing Tips

The answer to the question “How to write resume for internship?” consists of 4 steps: 

resume internship

Below, handy tips from our cheap paper writing service will be listed for each stage.


One should put down all the educational achievements and the appropriate skills for internship. They need to enumerate the courses that they took and the awards that they received. It would be wise to mention important projects that they participated in either as a leader or team member.

Candidates should use strong verbs to deliver important information. They should avoid wordiness and excessive adjectives. When compiling an internship resume with no experience, one’s wording and abilities to structure the data will serve as proof of their talents. 

Once the student puts down all the data, they should look through it once again and select only the meaningful facts. If they submit the resume to several organizations, the notion of “meaningful” might vary. A marketing company might want to know about their experience of working as a waiter because it allowed them to hone communication skills. For a financial company, this fact might be irrelevant.

The applicant should not forget to mention the objective on resume for internship. 

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Add Contact Details

The contact details to mention in the intern resume include:

  • Postal address
  • Email
  • Phone number
  • The link to one’s LinkedIn profile (and other socnets that are relevant for the intern profile) 
  • Personal website

It is better to indicate a university email but not private. The same email should be used to submit the application.

Fill in the Form

When arranging the facts, the candidate should organize them in reverse chronological order. If several events took place simultaneously, the most meaningful ones should go first. 

Most likely, the student will need to further shorten the text that they got after the brainstorm. A resume for internship no experience should fit into 1 page. For experienced specialists, a maximum of 2 pages is enough. Employers do not like lengthy resumes because it takes too much time to read them. Plus, the applicant should prove that they can quickly process and prioritize the data.


At the final stage, the candidate rereads the document to identify misprints. They should pay special attention to their resume internship objective and the accuracy of their contact information. If they do not need to submit the resume urgently, it would be reasonable to leave it till tomorrow. The next day, they will glance through it with a fresh eye. 

The applicant should show the result of their efforts to people who understand what it is and will not ask, “what is an internship?”. These might be their friends, teachers, or family members. They might notice the mistakes that the candidate overlooked and remind them of the achievements that they failed to mention. Also, they should assess the tone of the writing. Does the student produce an impression of a proactive person? Do they sound confident enough?

What to do Before Sending an Internship Resume?

Once the document is ready, one should not hurry to send it. Our write my essay service team insists on double-checking the following aspects:

  • Which email address should they submit it to?
  • What should they write in the subject line?
  • Are there any other ways to submit the resume? Can they upload it to the corporate website?
  • What is the name and position of the specialist who will receive their resume for internships?
  • What is the correct resume format for internship (PDF, DOCX, etc.)?
  • Do they need to attach additional files, such as their photos or recommendation letters?
  • Reread the list of intern objectives on the site of the company. What if they have changed at the last moment and do not suit the candidate anymore?

It is important to follow the instructions precisely. In many companies, it is computers and not live specialists who receive resumes. If an applicant makes a misprint in the subject line, their email might be rejected. 

If there are no internship positions on the corporate site, one might still try to contact the hiring manager. In this case, they should attach a cover letter to their resume. Plus, they need to tailor the document to the needs of that particular business. They should identify what skills and competencies the employer looks the most for. This information can be found in the job offers by this organization. The student should use these qualities as keywords and place them at the very beginning of their resume. 

Internship Resume Template

On the Internet, there are hundreds of internship resume examples. In most cases, they have an identical structure:

internship resume template
  • First and last name.
  • Address: street, city, postal code, email.
  • Education. The name of the college, the city, and the state where it is located, the year and month of the candidate’s graduation, their degree, their overall and/or major GPA.
  • Honors and Awards. Scholarships, dean’s list, honor society.
  • Objective. This is an optional field. It can be formulated like this: “To obtain an internship in the sphere of financial technologies”.
  • Experience. Students mention their position, the name of the organization, its address and the dates of the internship. This should be relevant to the internship that they are currently applying for. Lab experience and coursework would fit in this section too.
  • Additional experience. One should follow the same template: the name of the organization, its address, and the dates of one’s work there. Students can talk about their on-campus or part-time jobs. These do not need to be similar to the internship that they are applying to. They do not need to enumerate all the jobs that they have ever tried. Still, they can list the skills they obtained at their previous positions: analytical, interpersonal, communicational, and organizational. 
  • Extracurricular courses. Candidates should mention the name of the course, the academic department and the college where they completed it, and the dates. They should list the presentations, papers, and projects that they made in terms of the course. It would be wise to talk both about individual and team accomplishments.
  • Co-curricular activities. Arts, sports, club memberships, and so on. 
  • Skills. Foreign languages one can talk, computer languages one can use to code, music instruments that one plays, and so forth.

The document should look neat and visually appealing.


Hopefully, this review came in handy. Now, the readers should know how to compile a resume for an internship. These recommendations, created by EssayService experts, are relevant for companies of any size and industry. It would be reasonable to apply for several internships because at least one of the applications will be successful.

And if a candidate still needs help writing their internship resume, they can buy an essay online on our website and let professionals take care of it.

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