How to Write a Descriptive Essay?
If you were wondering - 'what is a descriptive essay?', then our helpful guide will clear all your confusion. Our experts from the descriptive essay writing service explain the descriptive essay definition as a writing type that calls for the authors to explain specific objects, people, memories, events, places, or experiences. It should appeal to the reader’s senses to help them create this experience. For example, a descriptive essay about the beach can use the following descriptions - the sounds of the waves and birds, the smell of the sea, the feel of the ocean spray, the color of the sea against the sky, and even the taste of the salt in the air. This gives the reader more than just an understanding of the beach; it helps them feel the setting as they are right there. Now, let's explore the descriptive essay writing specifics and get familiar with some useful techniques!
Meanwhile if you want unique ideas for a descriptive essay, contact our paper writing service to provide you with excellent descriptive essay topics!

How to Start a Descriptive Essay?
To begin, you need to have a few descriptive essay topic options. According to custom writing experts, popular description subjects include a person, a place, an experience, or a memory. Once your theme is chosen, you will begin your outline, much like any other essay. Your outline is where you chart your topic, examples, and details in the relevant order to help create a flow of information and details before you begin descriptive writing.

Descriptive Essays about a Place
Descriptive essays about a place are common because when talking about a specific place, you're naturally trying to create an experience for your reader. So with this descriptive essay example, you will explain how it looks, smells, feels, sounds, etc., enhancing it with concrete details and figurative language. An example would be the beach essay referenced earlier in this article. When writing about the beach, you can talk about how all your senses experience the beach. Similar descriptive essay examples about a place include:
- Describing your favorite vacation spot
- Your dream house in detail
- Painting a picture of the neighborhood you grew up in on a summer day
The end goal for a descriptive essay about a place is to help the reader feel like they are there, seeing the things you’ve seen, and experiencing the location just as you did.
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Descriptive Essays about a Person
Descriptive essays about a person are very common as well. The following are great examples:
- Your mom or dad
- A role model
- Your favorite celebrity
- Your childhood or current best friend
And the list goes on. Your essay should include descriptions of how the person looks, a scent that may be associated with them, like a favorite perfume or cologne they wear, how their voice sounds, and how their hand feels when you hold or shake it or even the feel of their hair. There are many ways to incorporate the five senses that help the reader feel like they have met the person and can visualize them.
Descriptive Essays about an Experience or Memory
A descriptive essay can also be about an experience. Describing your dream wedding or even your actual wedding is a great example of a descriptive essay about an experience. A helpful list of descriptive essay ideas and topics can be found here. As long as you include details in a way that helps the reader to not only visualize the wedding but to feel like they were there listening to the music, tasting the food, dancing with friends, etc. it is a descriptive essay. Additional topics for descriptive essays about memories include:
- Your earliest childhood memory
- Your first day of school
- What happened the first time you drove a car
Outline for a Descriptive Essay
A descriptive essay format is much like any other essay where you need to capture the reader’s attention. The best way to do that is with an 'attention grabber' thesis statement. This can be the first sentence in the introductory paragraph that evoke personal feelings in your reader. Next, you need to present the topic in your descriptive essay introduction. Whether it’s a memory, object, person, or place, you need to establish the topic and why it’s relevant without giving away all the exciting information. Then, to follow the topic, you need to include a description and why it may be relevant or interesting to the reader. Remember to keep it exciting with a clear and concise language to keep your audience engaged.

Finally, you need to include what is known as “sensory language”. This is how you incorporate the five senses into your essay. By using key details and descriptions you can relate your topic to all five senses, or as many of the senses as possible, to create that experience for your reader. When using sensory language you can go so far beyond just telling a story and for the reader, it is much more interesting than reading a plain story. With sensory language the reader gets to imagine they are there, going through the experience or seeing the object or at the place you are describing. It is much more of an exciting literary experience reading a descriptive essay than any other type of essay.
How to Conclude
The last section in your descriptive essay outline is the conclusion. Here, you want to do more than simply restating your topic and details. Once you have given all the information about your subject, your conclusion allows the reader to reflect on those details. Why is this topic important? This is your chance to tell them! Explain the reasoning behind your topic. Why did you write about that? Why does that experience, person, etc., stand out to you, and why should they matter to the reader? Finally, the conclusion gives you a chance to offer all that information to your readers.
Another unique aspect of a descriptive essay conclusion is the second 'attention grabber.' You hooked the audience at the beginning with a statement that excited them to continue reading. This same idea should be used in your conclusion to help readers to remember your entire essay. Rather than just reading, enjoying it, and moving on, you want your essay to permeate your readers' mind and stay there for a long time. By closing with a statement that reinforces the ideas you’ve written about but is also thought-provoking and profound, readers will think about your essay long after they’ve read it. After all, isn’t that always our goal when writing?
More Academic Help
When writing a descriptive essay, or any kind of paper for that matter, it is always a good idea to read other examples. This way, you can see how others are using descriptive language, how their paper flows, etc. If you need such examples, order essay samples from our descriptive essay writer pros and review them in more detail.
Writing a sample of descriptive essay can be daunting when you’re struggling with the topic. You might be unsure how to incorporate the senses into your text, help paint an even more vivid picture of your topic, or hook your audience to entice them to read and remember your essay. However, it doesn’t have to be. With the information and links provided in this article and the help from some professional essay writers, your next descriptive essay writing experience should be a breeze.
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