How to Write an Academic Essay: Best Tips and Example
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How to Write an Academic Essay: Best Tips and Example

What is an Academic Essay

Writing an academic essay has become integral to almost all types of undergraduate and graduate programs in the modern educational system. So, what is an academic essay? The latter varies according to its subject, style, length, etc. However, all academic essays test your knowledge about a particular subject. It consists of three main parts: the introduction, the body, and the conclusion. Throughout the assignment, you have to project background information about a given topic and support your opinion with relevant facts and arguments per the main subject of an essay.

The main task you should try to accomplish is to be very precise with the message you want to transfer to the reader, provide a unique perspective and amplify your point of view with convincing and factual information.

For more inspiration, check out the academic essay example at the end of the article.

How to Write an Academic Essay: Easy Steps

Writing essays requires a lot of attention to detail. There are some essential steps to follow to ace your assignment. The reader should understand the core message behind a good academic essay.

If you have not been assigned a concrete topic, choose the one that intrigues you the most. An outstanding college essay should combine many facts to support a thesis statement based on trustworthy resources.

For further instructions, our professional paper writing service will provide specific tips on writing an academic essay.

academic essay formats

Comprehending Your Academic Essay Assignment

First things first when wondering how to write an academic essay, remember that it cannot be written without getting the hang of the main requirements that the professor is asking for in that specific academic essay.

Typically, students are assigned to write either narrative, descriptive, argumentative, or persuasive types of college essays. 

  • A narrative essay requires college students to demonstrate their creativity and narrate an original type of story to captivate the reader's mind. 
  • A descriptive essay concentrates on literary writing style, witty word choice, and unexpected storyline development. 
  • When it comes to argumentative essay writing, you have to be firm in your choice and support your opinion with abundant resources from books, movies, and articles. 
  • Last but not least, students are required to wisely sell their message to the reader while writing a persuasive essay and convince them of their truth.

You are welcome to ask our expert writers to write my essay and grant yourself quality assistance in writing an academic essay.

Come Up With Academic Essay Titles

Sometimes, students are not given concrete titles for their academic writing assignments. If you find yourself among those, we advise you to select your topic wisely on the issue you are interested in. Come up with a small variety of academic essay titles relating to the course material and highlighting the key points of your essay, and choose the one you have covered the most scientific or literature data on.  

Keep in mind to adjust your academic essay format to a classic style. Begin with the thesis statement, highlighting the main idea of the upcoming essay. As the introductory paragraph proceeds, use short, logical, and organized sentences to briefly overview what you will discuss in the academic paper. Provide relevant information in the following body paragraph and summarize the key points by reconstructing and restating the main ideas in the conclusion.

Conduct Research for Your Academic Essay

Writing an academic essay with a high score requires gathering and covering resources in correspondence with the paper's topic.

For instance, you could read and briefly summarize the cases of the Watergate Scandal, Clinton-Lewinsky, and Iran-Contra affair in case you have been assigned to write an academic essay concerning the major breakouts in USA politics. You might as well be interested in the origins of feminism. In that case, we would advise you to briefly wrap up the history of Suffragettes, the life of Eleanor Roosevelt, Betty Friedan, and other aspiring women who shaped classical feminism.

Check out additional tips on how to write a gender essay with the help of our writing service. Students are often assigned to write assignments based on interviews with authoritative figures. In that case, check out our interview essay writing guide.

We advise you to start writing academic papers once you have wrapped up the main points from key works that you plan to implement in the form of arguments from reliable sources. That way, crafting a good academic essay with a ceaseless flow of words and a smooth working process is simpler.

Craft the Academic Essay Outline

In this section, we will go through the academic essay outline step by step for you to comprehend what to include in each college essay section.

When it comes to the introduction paragraph, try to catch the reader's attention from the very first sentence, otherwise known as the hook. Hook the audience by wisely crafting the first few words and begin constructing a compelling introduction. Afterward, implement the general overview of the background information relating to the topic of your essay. Finally, finish the introductory paragraph with a firm, direct, organized thesis statement. This step is very important since the rest of your essay should be written as the answer to the latter.

academice essay outline

Commence the body paragraph with the topic sentence, with which you can fixate on your own opinion regarding the main subject of the thesis statement. The next step requires you to support your opinion with relevant evidence. To make your position clear and persuasive, it should be derived from specific resources, such as articles, books, and journals. Explain in detail why you believe in your truth based on these sources. However, to be objective, you need to summarize the counterarguments and eliminate them on the compensation of your supporting statements.

Restating the thesis statement in the concluding part of the academic essay is essential. Rephrase it to satisfy the curiosity of the reader who just found him/herself at the end of your college essay, trying to find the answer to the main objective behind it. Reflect on what you have emphasized above and wrap up the core arguments in a few sentences in alignment with your final thoughts.

So, there you go - follow this structure, and you will come up with a final draft in a blink of an eye so that the writing process will not be as time-consuming as usual.

Check out the example of an academic essay below. We hope this will fuel your motivation to construct a professional essay.

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Sample Academic Essay

Our MBA essay writing service decided to write a sample academic essay from the field of political science, hoping that it will give you an idea of the standardized structure of college essays.

Why Did the UK Decide to Leave the EU?

Myriads of developing countries around the continent of Europe aspire to be integrated into the Western world through the process of Europeanization. Starting as the Coal and Steel Community, the European Union was established with the primary aim of avoiding further warships and conflicts in the post-World War II global order. The supranational organization has grown to accomplish its main goal of keeping the continent secure. However, the EU directives concerning immigration and globalization apparently did not fit into all of its member states, resulting in the process of Brexit back in 2020. I would like to discuss conflicting interests between the legacy of the UK and that of the EU, which led to the withdrawal of the UK from the Union several years ago.

Primarily, statistical data obtained from social networks like NatCen, and Euroscepticism has continued to grow in British society from 1993 till the point of withdrawal from the EU. The core reason behind this statement could easily be the growing popularity of the conservative party active in the British Parliament of two houses, called the United Kingdom Independence Party. The period between 2004 and 2014 projected increasing support of the British population to UKIP, considering that it held third place according to the number of received votes and ended up gaining first place after ten years in the European elections. UKIP has demonstrated English nationalism, alienation from the EU, issues related to open immigration, and other policies that contradicted the supranational organization's interests. Going back to the 1980s, the longest-serving British Prime Minister of the twentieth century, Margaret Thatcher - a.k.a. 'The Iron Lady,' deliberately stated her fear of the EU becoming a super state under which all the members would be dominated.

Secondly, since we commenced digging deeper into the original issues concerning the incompatibility of political interests between the UK and EU as an organization, we must touch down some of the policies that have been refused to be implemented in British legislation. The UK has always acted out as a separate and unique player among the other 26 member states. Witnessing the economic hardships the Union faced in the aftermath of the 2008 Global Financial Crisis, the UK decided not to be a part of the Economic and Monetary Union. It kept Pound as its national currency instead of the Euro. Additionally, the UK has refused to carry out imposed immigration policies as the other EU member states in the mindset of Arab Spring, claiming that eliminating internal border controls would result in safety threats to British women, as well as loss of job opportunities for the whole British population.

In the end, all these details created huge problems resulting in the dysfunction of the state, which led to the referendum in relation to EU membership for the UK in 2016. The referendum, in its nature, does not require the legislative branch of the government to abide by the result and implement corresponding changes. However, more than half of the British population fixated on their desire to leave the organization, which led to the time-consuming process of gradual withdrawal.

Final Thoughts

You have successfully acquired basic tips for writing a winning academic format essay since you have made it until the very end of this article.

Our academic writing service is open to all college and high school students. If you are completing college applications, you are welcome to ask to write my personal statement to our scholarship essay writing service and increase the chances of covering the college tuition by yourself.

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