What is an Internship?
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What is an Internship?

An internship is a period at work when a person acquires the necessary experience. The purpose of internship usually lies in training a student and helping them to acquire the necessary skills to carry out their duties. It is also necessary when an employee starts a new job, regardless of the experience and knowledge base they already have. This information is part of the answer to the question “how do internships work”, which anyone who comes across this practice may have.

One needs to be prepared for the internship to last for some time. Depending on the job, the skills required, or the specifics of the employer’s company, the employee needs to spend from one and a half months to three years. 

Below, our team will review an internship in more detail for a person to be prepared for an internship interview, benefits, and all important tasks.

Internship Benefits

Sometimes a person may get the feeling that they can start a new job or their very first job from day one. Some companies can hire employees without an internship. At the same time, we strongly advise not to neglect it and use any method to cultivate skills gained from internship. This will become the base of experience where a student can get an understanding of how to perform their duties correctly and efficiently.

One of the main advantages of internship is that a person has the opportunity to assess oneself and own capabilities in the context of new working conditions. Since it is still learning, incomprehensible moments can be resolved on the spot, and one can understand how this work is suitable for a given period of life.

When discussing the importance of internship, it is worth mentioning that a person can practice their immediate responsibilities and requirements. A theoretical basis also appears, which will be useful if a person has to change jobs or needs to undergo an internship of a different type. For example, an internship in the place of a manager.

The opportunity to gain communication skills and become part of the work culture is also important. The internship experience brings relationships with colleagues, managers, or subordinates.

Finally, among the advantages is how do internships work. It is a kind of dress rehearsal of what awaits an employee. During the internship, especially if this is the first job, a person adapts to new working conditions, schedule, workplace, routine, and discipline requirements.

It happens that the place of work during the internship is not suitable for the student. In this case, a person gets the opportunity to indicate in their resume that they completed an internship and are ready to develop and gain new knowledge and experience. 

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Why Do Companies Offer Internships?

Many employers regularly attract students and young professionals for internships. At the same time, organizing an internship program is a significant responsibility for the HR department. Employees of the company need to think over and prescribe how they will select interns, how they will train them, and evaluate the results of their work.


The most important thing is to develop a motivation system for interns because not all internships can be paid (see “Are Internships Paid?” for more details). In addition, the company needs to make an internship job description to attract more promising young people. Besides, they should ensure that every intern learns about workplace safety and has all necessary conditions.

It seems that the negative aspects of this practice are too much for companies to organize internships. But this is part of the job that will bring enormous benefits of internships for employers. Employers need interns to develop their brand and build a company’s reputation. 

Additionally, according to our EssayService experts, companies receive:

  • intern jobs to bring out-of-the-box thinking to the company;
  • promising young professionals;
  • a chance to spend less on wages if the budget is limited;
  • a chance to take away some routine tasks from key employees.

What Do Interns Usually Do?


What will a person have to do at the intern position? In general:

  • help with daily tasks (take notes or organize events); 
  • learn and develop the skills necessary for direct duties or communication with colleagues and clients;
  • learn from observing colleagues in a similar position.

Specific intern tasks become clear in direct cooperation with the company.

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Are Internships Paid?

People want money for their work. An internship is also a job, so one of the most important questions for future interns is “do interns get paid”. In most cases, the answer will be “yes”. If an intern work is beneficial for the company, then the person will receive remuneration. In addition, employers indicate salaries during paid internships in their vacancies. At the same time, one should not count on large amounts in intern payment. It is usually a minimum wage or ratio of hours worked to work completed.

Don’t neglect unpaid internships. Being an intern means learning and acquiring knowledge, skills, and experience that the company provides for free. It is also an opportunity to show loyalty and increase the chances of having a permanent job.

Of course, if the employer forces an intern to perform work duties that must be paid by law, and does not provide payment, then one needs to refuse such a free internship.


For students, internships are an invaluable milestone in their working life. The internship is an excellent test of one’s own abilities and the employer’s attitude towards their employees. So the student will gain the necessary experience, take a closer look at the place where they want to work, or decide that they want to do something radically opposite. Additionally, securing full ride scholarships can further enhance a student’s educational and professional journey by alleviating financial burdens and allowing them to focus on gaining practical experience through internships.

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