Top Bike Friendly Campuses

The 40 Top Bike Friendly Campuses

Several universities promote biking as a safe and healthy alternative means of transportation. As university communities seek to encourage biking among students, staff, and faculty and strive to improve the overall health and well-being of the campus community, biking is quickly rising to the top as a means of transportation, a way to stay fit and reduce carbon footprints. These 40 Best Colleges for Biking, chosen for cycling options, bike paths, free/value of biking, awards and other relevant features, demonstrate dedication in promoting cycling on and on campus and embracing cyclists at all ability levels. As you explore these schools and maybe even find yourself thinking, "write essay for me," you'll see how committed they are to integrating biking into campus life.

For this ranking, our research team tallied points based upon the following factors:

  • Campus Bike Challenges/Awareness;
  • Campus Bicycling Clubs/Teams;
  • Various Bicycling Classes/Degree Paths;
  • How the campus integrates bicycling into convenience and ease for students;
  • Miles of campus bike path.

Each of these factors were broken out by points, with the tie-breaking nod given to the campus with the largest total number of bike paths.

Keen Writer
4.8 (104 reviews)
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University of Utah

University of San Diego

University of California Davis

Virginia Tech

The Ohio State University

Colorado State University

Georgia Tech

University of Iowa

James Madison University

Boise State University

University of Nebraska-Lincoln

University of Oregon

Carnegie Mellon University

University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee

University of Washington

Pomona College

Cornell University

University of Louisville

Penn State University

Georgetown University

Texas Tech University

New Mexico State University

Clemson University

California State Long Beach

Old Dominion University

University of Vermont

Columbia University

Temple University

University of North Carolina – Chapel Hill

Stanford University

Duke University

Yale University

Michigan State University

University of Kentucky

Oklahoma State University

Harvard University

Arizona State University

University of Virginia

University of Texas – Austin

University of Minnesota – Twin Cities

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